Analysis of factor structure of imagery characteristics of depression
ZHU Qiang1,ZHU Wangkaifeng2,WANG Wenmeng1,JIAN Ming3,LIU Dan1, HONG Min1
1.The Center of Mental Health, 3. Department of Hospital Affairs,Hunan Provincial Corps Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Changsha 410006,China; 2.Department of Mathematics, School of Science,Jiangxi University of Science and Techology,Ganzhou 341000,China
AbstractObjective To explore the factor structure and effectiveness of questionnaires on imagery characteristics of depression.Methods Through literature review and consultation with an expert group, the initial questionnaire on imagery characteristics of depression was designed. The draft questionnaire had 56 items of depression imagery, which was answered by 109 recruits. After analysis of the items and exploratory factors, a formal questionnaire that contained 22 items of imagery characteristics of depression was worked out, which was answered by 109 recruits before analysis of exploratory and confirmatory factors was made.Results Based on the exploratory factor analysis, four factors whose Eigen value exceeded 1 were extracted from the 12 items, including depressed mood, reduced sense of happiness, energy decline, and capacity decline. Those four factors accounted for 55.18% of the total variance. Confirmatory analysis showed that χ2/df was 2.134, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was 0.057, and the comparative fit index (CFl), goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and non-normed fit index (NNFI) was 0.912, 0.935,and 0.896,respectively.Conclusions The four-factor structure has been constructed out of the twelve-item questionnaire on imagery characteristics of depression.
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