Therapeutic effects of two insulin delivery systems for patients of gestational diabetes mellitus
JIA Xiaowei1 and LUAN Jin2
1.Department of Endocrinology, Hospital 309 of PLA, Beijing 100091, China; 2.Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Beijing 102613, China
AbstractObjective To study the difference of therapeutic effects between the insulin pump and direct injection of insulin when used for patients with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).Methods 162 patients of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) were selected as subjects who were divided into the insulin pump group and the direct injection of insulin group, respectively. The related indicators were monitored by the continuous blood sugar monitoring system and other testing methods when the patients were treated with different therapeutic schemes. The experimental data was analyzed by SPSS 17.0 software.Results After treatment, most indicators of blood glucose, blood lipid and peptide-C in GDM patients were significantly reduced (P<0.05). Moreover,such indicators as peptide-C, HbA1c (%), FPG,2hPG, MAGE and MODD of the insulin pump group were significant lower than those in the direct injection of insulin group after treatment(P<0.05). The relative deviation of indicators was less in the insulin pump group than in the direct injection of insulin group. The insulin pump group had less glycemia variability, but a significantly higher score of quality of life than the direct injection of insulin group(P<0.05).Conclusions The insulin pump has a better therapeutic effect for GDM patients than direct injection of insulin while helping to maintain an ideal level of blood glucose.
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