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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (4): 316-319    DOI:
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Therapeutic effect of rivaroxaban anticoagulant therapy against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease complicated with pulmonary hypertension
DONG Shaochen1, ZHAO Dongmei2, ZHANG Weichen3, YIN Xiaobo1, MIAO Na2, QIAO Hua1, DONG Yuehua4
1. Department of Respiratory and Critical Care, 2. Department of Disinfection Supply, 3. Department of Preventive Health, Qinhuangdao First Hospital,Qinhuangdao 066000,China;
4. Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Beijing 100027,China

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