Analysis of gastroscopic results of soldiers in Hangzhou in 10 years |
YE Xiaofen, TAN Tao, SHEN Liting, ZHANG Yongqin, HAN Meiling, SHEN Guoli |
Department of Internal Medcine, Zhejiang Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Hangzhou 310051, China |
Abstract Objective To provide the basis for officers and soldiers with upper gastrointestinal disease (UGD) through analyzing the results of gastroscopy.Methods A retrospective analysis of 1768 officers and soldiers under gastroscopy from July 2011 to June 2021 was made, and different UGDs detection rate and Hp infection rate were analyzed. Ages, genders, ranks and seasons were considered in the study.Results In the past 10 years, chronic non-atrophic gastritis (97.00%), erosive gastritis (21.72%), duodenal bulbar ulcer (9.95%), reflux esophagitis (5.60%), bile reflux gastritis (3.11%), chronic atrophic gastritis (3.00%), gastric ulcer (1.70%), carditis (1.53%), duodenitis (1.41%) were common in officers and soldiers stationed at Hangzhou. All the diseases mentioned above had statistical difference in different ages (P<0.05) except carditis. Chronic non-atrophic gastritis, chronic atrophic gastritis, erosive gastritis, bile reflux gastritis, reflux esophagitis, gastric polyp and gastric cancer had statistical difference in different ranks (P<0.05). All UGDs had no statistical difference in different genders or seasons (P>0.05). Hp infection rate was 44.57% in 1768 officers and soldiers. The Hp infection rate of officers was higher than soldiers (P<0.05). Hp infection rate had no statistical difference in different genders or ages (P>0.05).Conclusions Chronic non-atrophic gastritis, erosive gastritis, duodenal bulbar ulcer, reflux esophagitis and bile reflux gastritis are the most common UGD in officers and soldiers, while the incidence of chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcer, gastric polyp, upper gastrointestinal tumors are low. UGD becomes more severe with the advance of age.
Received: 29 November 2021
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