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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.  2015, Vol. 26 Issue (10): 1031-1035    DOI:
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A quantitative T2 mapping technique by multi-echo fast spin-echo in cardiac magnetic resonance
LIU Mingxi1,2, ZHANG Wanshi2,ZHANG Ziheng3, MENG Limin2,XU Xianrong4,TIAN Jianwei5,GONG Wanfeng2,and LIU Jie1,2
1.Department of Radiology, Xijing Hospital ,The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032,China;
2.Department of CT and MR,Air Force General Hospital, Beijing 100142,China;
3.Advanced Application GE Healthcare China, Beijing 100176,China;
4.Department of Aircrew,Air Force General Hospital,Beijing 100142,China;
5.Department of Cardiology,Air Force General Hospital,Beijing 100142,China

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