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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.
2015 Vol. 26 No.10
Published: 20 October 2015

2015 Vol. 26 (10): 973-974 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 620KB] ( 463 )
  CHEN Jianhua,ZHENG Bihai,WAN Ronghui,YAN Yiping, GUO Jun, LI Shenghui,and ZHENG Jianbao
Microcirculation changes in construction personnel in different altitude and for different residential time before and after oxygen therapy
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 975-977 [Abstract] ( 220 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 452KB] ( 447 )
  LI Yangyang and JIN Weisen
Clinical efficacy of laparoscopic Milestechnique combined with Ligasure in treatment of rectal carcinoma
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 978-981 [Abstract] ( 183 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 721KB] ( 422 )
  GAO Yulian and YANG Licui
Fast-tract surgery nursing of the mental contion in Elderly Patients with Colorectal Cancer
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 982-984 [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 589KB] ( 401 )
  YANG Yang,LI Zhe,LIU Yanfeng,and XU Ruibin
Clinical analysis of patients with spontaneous pneumothorax by improved two-port thoracoscopy
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 985-987 [Abstract] ( 198 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2699KB] ( 477 )
  CAO Jingxu, LI Ren, YU Liquan, SU Dan, XU Yang, and BU Jie
EGFR-TKI maintenance therapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with positive EGFR mutation
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 988-990 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 500KB] ( 338 )
  ZHOU Hongwei,ZHAO Xia,and JIANG Hong
Questionnaire and analysis on the intake of phosphorus, potassium and salt in 100 patients with chronic kidney disease
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 991-993 [Abstract] ( 176 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 577KB] ( 437 )
  HAN Cui, XU Qing, HE Zhaoyan, LIU Chuan,BAI Fang, and TAO Hai
Analysis of relevant factors affecting prognosis in patients with traumatic optic neuropathy
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 994-997 [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 677KB] ( 384 )
  SHE Mingjin,HENG Buyuan, WANG Qin,MA Zusheng,LI Guizhi,ZHU Wenbo,QIN Gaoming, and CHENG Mengmeng
CT scan and barium meal examination to determine the length of GTV-T in precise radiotherapy of non-surgical esophageal carcinoma
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 998-1000 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1224KB] ( 479 )
  YANG Jian,XU Xinming, LIU Ying,and XU Gang
Efficacy of Ⅰb and Ⅱ stage cervical cancer treated by intensity-modulated radiotherapy after surgery
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1001-1003 [Abstract] ( 156 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 555KB] ( 425 )
  WANG Ning and XU Hong
Relationship between characteristics of nipple discharge and intraductal lesions under fiberoptic ductoscopy
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1004-1006 [Abstract] ( 152 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 495KB] ( 432 )
  CHU Lin, WANG Lei, LI Yan, and LI Hui
Associations between intake of dietary iron and blood lipid in soldiers of Armed Police Forces
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1007-1009 [Abstract] ( 233 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 550KB] ( 361 )
  LIN Huagang, WANG Bo, ZHANG Jun, and JIA Hongwei
Effects of insulin on diabetic bone histomorphometric and biomechanical abilities in streptozotocin-treated rats
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1010-1014 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 819KB] ( 496 )
  WANG Xiaodong, LI Hongtao, YANG Tao, YAO Min, and ZHU Yujin
Preliminary study on the antagonistic effect of metformin on cisplatinin human gastric cancer MKN-45 cellline
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1015-1020 [Abstract] ( 225 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2422KB] ( 451 )
  NIU Dong, HOU Fei, and ZHOU Jing
Value of blood and urine NGAL in diagnosing hypertensive nephropathy
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1021-1023 [Abstract] ( 247 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 531KB] ( 427 )
  HAN Chengxin, JIA Yuanli,HEI Yan, CAI Xiaojun, and WU Jinhu
Relationship between TF and lymphangiogenesis in colorectal carcinoma
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1024-1026 [Abstract] ( 165 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3246KB] ( 334 )
  YE Rong, ZHANG Xiaofeng, and WANG Yuan
A study of arsenic trioxide to induce apoptosis of osteosarcoma U2OS cells
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1027-1030 [Abstract] ( 253 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3100KB] ( 389 )
  LIU Mingxi, ZHANG Wanshi,ZHANG Ziheng, MENG Limin,XU Xianrong,TIAN Jianwei,GONG Wanfeng,and LIU Jie
A quantitative T2 mapping technique by multi-echo fast spin-echo in cardiac magnetic resonance
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1031-1035 [Abstract] ( 181 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5108KB] ( 451 )
  LEI Haiyan and LI Xiangjun
Effects of Bazi Bushen Capsules on sexual function in castrated rats
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1036-1038 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 589KB] ( 409 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1039-1040 [Abstract] ( 166 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 441KB] ( 395 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1041-1042 [Abstract] ( 191 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 6126KB] ( 409 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1043-1044 [Abstract] ( 146 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 426KB] ( 507 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1045-1046 [Abstract] ( 174 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 686KB] ( 348 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1047-1048 [Abstract] ( 173 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 551KB] ( 384 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1049-1050 [Abstract] ( 165 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 692KB] ( 374 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1051-1052 [Abstract] ( 180 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 496KB] ( 359 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1053-1054 [Abstract] ( 149 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 5786KB] ( 418 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1055-1056 [Abstract] ( 178 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2122KB] ( 391 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1057-1058 [Abstract] ( 177 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 3412KB] ( 487 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1059-1061 [Abstract] ( 158 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 486KB] ( 406 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1062-1064 [Abstract] ( 159 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 408KB] ( 475 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1065-1066 [Abstract] ( 226 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 4119KB] ( 438 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1067-1068 [Abstract] ( 220 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 508KB] ( 375 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1069-1069 [Abstract] ( 192 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 512KB] ( 368 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1070-1071 [Abstract] ( 142 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 739KB] ( 323 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1072-1072 [Abstract] ( 178 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 531KB] ( 410 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1073-1074 [Abstract] ( 191 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 737KB] ( 329 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1075-1076 [Abstract] ( 182 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 488KB] ( 341 )
2015 Vol. 26 (10): 1077-1078 [Abstract] ( 167 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 486KB] ( 404 )
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