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Med. J. Chin. Peop. Armed Poli. Forc.  2016, Vol. 27 Issue (9): 906-909    DOI:
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Establishing the model of acute ischaemic left heart failure with mitral regurgitation in beagles
SUN Jing1, FAN Chunzhi2, DOU Jianping3, and WEN Chaoyang4
1.Department of Cardiology, Shaanxi Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, xi’an 710054, China;
2.Department of Ultrasonic Medicine, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100043, China;
3.Department of Ultrasonic Medicine, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853,China;
4. Department of Ultrasonic Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100048,China

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