Effect of Balint groups on occupational stress and job burnout among nurse interns |
QUAN Wei1, RAN Min1, WANG Jiazhe1, LU Wei1, and GUAN Xiaoping2 |
1.Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, 2.Department of Nursing, General Hospital of the Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Beijing 100039, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the effect of Balint groups onoccupational stress and job burnout of nurse interns in order to relieve their pressure and prevent job burnout.Methods Sixty intern nurses of the same batch were enrolled in this study between February and June 2016 and randomly divided into two groups: the Balint group and the control group, with 30 nurses in each group. Both groups attended training sessions as scheduled in the Balint group. Thirty of these nurses were randomly and evenly assigned to three groups who met for a discussion biweekly. Chinese Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS) and Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) were used for each group at 0, 3 and 6 months of the study.Results Scores on CPSS and MBI were not significantly different at 0 month between the two groups(23.28±5.16,24.33±4.91;P=0.441). Scores on CPSS in the Balint group at 3 months (24.17±5.73,27.14±5.25)and 6 months(23.68±4.38,28.28±5.96)were significantly lower than those in the control group(P=0.047,P=0.009), so were the scores on the emotion exhaustion dimension at 3 months(21.83±7.43,26.24±6.89,P=0.042) but there was little difference in the other two dimensions(P>0.05). At 6 months, scores on the emotion exhaustion dimension and depersonalization dimension in the Balint group were significantly lower than in the control group (P=0.000, P=0.001), but the scores on the ineffectiveness dimension were higher (P=0.001).Conclusions Balint groups can effectively prevent occupational stress and job burnout among nurse interns.
Received: 17 January 2017
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