Mood status and its influencing factors of armed police forces in plateau |
LIU Qingyuan1, SUN Zhenxue1, TAN Chuanjiang1, ZHANG Qian2, and YANG Chunmei1 |
1.Outpatient Department of the Headquarters, General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Beijing 100089, China; 2. Tibet General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Lhasa 850003,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the mood state of Armed Police Force soldiers on the plateau, and to explore the influence of length of military service, altitude, anxiety, depression and sleep on the mood.Methods A total of 1621 troops were selected using the multi-stage random sampling method from the Tibet Autonomous Region between April 2015 and October 2015 and were given a cross-sectional interview. Their mood status was measured using Profile of Mood State (POMS).Results (1)The length of service (F=3224.000,P<0.001), altitude (F=1614.000,P<0.001), anxiety (F=4832.000,P<0.001), depression (F=4832.000,P<0.001) and sleep (F=1614.000,P<0.001) all had significant influence on the mood state, involving tension (T), depression (D), anger (A), vigor (V), fatigue (F) and confusion (C) (P<0.001). (2) For those who had served in the army for three to five years, the scores of four dimensions-T, D, F and C-were the lowest, while the score of dimension V was the highest. As the altitude was elevated, anxiety and depression deteriorated and sleep got much worse. The score of dimension V showed a negative correlation with the score of dimensions T, D, A, F and C. (3) Multiple linear regression model analysis indicated that after excluding the influence of age, levels of education, marital status, and ranks, the length of service was correlated with dimension V and F, the altitude with dimension T, D, A, F and C, but not V, while the degree of anxiety and the quality of sleep were related to the six dimensions of POMS.Conclusions Soldiers who have served for three to five years are in the best mood and should serve as the pillar forces of the army. Psychological and sleep interventions are an effective method for improving the mood state of Armed Police officers.
Received: 11 February 2017
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