Causes of futerine rupture due to re-pregnancy after cesarean section |
WANG Xiaohong, YU Shasha, FU Dongmei, CHEN Yehong, GUO Fangfang |
Department of Obstetrics , Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital of Daxing District, Beijing 102600, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the main causes and ways of prevention of uterine rupture caused by re-pregnancy after cesarean section.Methods A total of 412 cases of patients without absolute contraindications were selected for the first screening of pregnancy after cesarean section between October 2015 and October 2017.Results After a retrospective analysis of the samples, it was found that 215 cases implemented TOLAC (trial of labor after previous cesarean delivery).The rate of successful vaginal trial production was 72.56 %(156/215)in the 215 pregnancies,the rate of cesarean section was 27.44%(59/215),and the incidence of complete uterine rupture was only 0.47 % (1/215 ). According to the outcomes of trial of labor, these patients were divided into two groups: the second-time cesarean group and the vaginal delivery group. The bleeding volume in the second-time cesarean group was significantly larger than that of the vaginal delivery group,so there was statistically significant difference (P<0.01).After we compared these results with the sample data of 13 pregnant women with uterine rupture, we found that the common characteristics included such indexes as abnormalities of the fetal heart and uterine contraction.Conclusions The risk of TOLAC is very small.The age of pregnant women, macrosomia and scar thickness are not absolute contraindications, but in clinical practice, it is necessary to take into account the fetal heart and uterine contraction so as to improve the success rate of TOLAC and reduce the occurrence of uterine rupture.
Received: 18 March 2018
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