Epidemiological surveyof military training injuries ina unitstationed on plateau in 2020 |
ZHANG Yuan,WANG Jingdong,ZHANG Tao,Adili,and ZHONG Xiaoxing |
Department of General Surgery, Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Urumqi 830091, China |
Abstract Objective To understand the current situation of military training injuries in a unit of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force stationed on plateau, analyze its occurrencecharacteristics and influencing factors, and put forwardtargeted preventive measures. Methods Cluster sampling was used to investigate the occurrence of training injuries and its influencing factors among 600 special warfare officers and soldiers in a certain unit of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force onplateau in 2020. Results A total of 584 effectivequestionnaires were collected, of which 178 cases (30.48%) had training injuries. Soft tissue injuries, bone and joint injuries, and environmental injuries accounted for 36.52%, 30.9% and 28.09% respectively. The main sites of injurieswere waist and lower limbs. Physical training wasthe main subject of training injuries. The factors affecting the occurrence of military training injurieswere deficient warm-up before training, the education level of training injury prevention, the intensity of training, and the supervision of on-site health personnel. Conclusions The incidence of training injuries is high among officers and soldiers of special warfareonplateau,so the prevention and treatment measures should be strengthened according to the plateau environment, the occurrence characteristics and influencing factors of training injuries.
Received: 02 February 2023
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