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130052 长春,武警吉林总队医院:1.病理科, 3. 特诊科;2. 130052长春,武警吉林总队一支队卫生队;4. 130052长春,武警吉林总队后勤部卫生处
Pathological analysis of liquid-based cytological diagnosis in fine needle aspiration of thyroid lesion
WANG Yuxin1, WU Weiguo2,HAN Yanhua3, and SONG Zonghai4.
1. Department of Pathology,  
2. Medical Unit of First Detachment, Jilin Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Changchun 130052, China; 
3. Department of Special Examination, Hospital of Jilin Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Changchun 130052, China;
4. Health Office of Logistic Department, Jilin Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces, Changchun 130052

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