2025年03月06日 星期四 首页  |  期刊介绍  |  编 委 会  |  投稿指南  |  联系我们  |  English
武警医学  2022, Vol. 33 Issue (10): 889-894    DOI:
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刘数敬1, 喻瑛瑛2, 路遥1, 王波1, 王昊3
1.230041 合肥,武警安徽总队医院运动医学科;
2.410006 长沙,武警湖南总队医院药剂科;
3.300162 天津,武警特色医学中心运动医学科
Meta-analysis of arthroscopic decompression and non-surgical treatment for early stage shoulder impingement syndrome
LIU Shujing1, YU Yingying2, LU Yao1, WANG Bo1, WANG Hao3
1. Department of Sport Medicine,Anhui Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Hefei, 230041, China;
2. Pharmacy Department of Hunan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Changsha, 410006, China;
3. Department of Sport Medicine,Characteristic Medical Center of Chinese People's Armed Police Force,Tianjin 300162,China

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