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武警医学  2023, Vol. 34 Issue (10): 869-873    DOI:
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罗凯1, 汤前军2, 王勇2, 尹浩军1, 聂善化3
430061 武汉,武警湖北总队医院:1.肾病内科,2.卫勤处,3.门诊部
Predictors of new recruit reduction in common military subject training under high altitude environment
LUO Kai1, TANG Qianjun2, WANG Yong2, YIN Haojun1, and NIE Shanhua3
1. Department of Nephrology, 2. Department of Health Service, 3. Department of Outpatient, Hubei Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Wuhan 430061, China

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