Analysis of the effectiveness of pharmacist collaboration in standardizing the prophylactic antimicrobial applications in general surgery |
LI Liang1, HUANG Yushu1, ZENG Peng2 |
1. Department of Pharmacy, 2. Department of the First Surgery , Jiangxi Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Nanchang 330001, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the important role of pharmacists in standardizing the prophylactic antimicrobial applications in general surgery. Methods The clinical data of 136 patients undergoing Class I and II incision surgery admitted to the General Surgery Department of Jiangxi Armed Police Corps Hospital from January 2021 to December 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. Based on the pharmacist’s intervention in the prophylactic use of antimicrobials, the patients were divided into an intervention group (74 cases) and a control group (62 cases).Compare the differences between the two groups of patients in terms of the prophylactic antimicrobial use rate, the medication duration, the medication type, the administration time, the combination of medications, and the reasonable rate of prophylactic medication. Results Comparison of the basic conditions of the patients in the two groups showed no statistically significant differences (P>0.05), and the data were comparable. The prophylactic antimicrobial usage rate in the intervention group was 32.43%, compared to 88.71% in the control group; the rate of combined medication use was 4.05% in the intervention group and 20.97% in the control group; the rationality rate of prophylactic medication use was 72.97% in the intervention group and 17.74% in the control group, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). The intervention group demonstrated superior rationality in the duration, selection, and timing of prophylactic antimicrobial use compared to the control group. Conclusion Pharmacists play an important role in standardizing the prophylactic antimicrobial applications in general surgery, and the intervention measures demonstrating a positive impact.
Received: 18 March 2024
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