Efficacy of CT guided percutaneous chemoablation of intra-abdominal metastatic lymph nodes |
WU Bin1, XU Dawei1, and WANG Fan2 |
1.Department of Radiology, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Beijing 100027, China; 2.Department of Medical Affairs, General Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Beijing100039, China |
Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficacy and the application value of CT guided percutaneous chemoablation of intra-abdominal metastatic lymph nodes.Methods Twenty-eight patients with intra-abdominal metastatic lymph nodes were treated by chemoablation under CT guidance. Among them, there were 12 cases of live cancer, 10 cases of gastric cancer, 3 cases of pancreatic cancer, and 3 cases of cohrnic cancer (amounting to 31 lesions). A 22G Chiba needle was used to puncture.The chemical ablation agent was prepared [ethanol (18 ml),lauromacrogol (2 ml),lipiodol (2 ml),lobaplatin (10 mg) and epirubicin (10 mg) in a ratio of 9∶1∶1∶3∶3 were made into a suspension]. All the patients were reexamined by contrast-enhanced CT 1, 3, 6 and 12 months thereafter to evaluate the volume reduction and necrosis of tumors and were followed up for 12 months.Results The operations on all 28 patients (31 lesions) were successful without serious complications.Pain in all patients was significantly relieved, VAS score before treatment was 6.3±1.5, a month after the treatment, VAS score was 1.3±1.2 (t=13.773, P<0.05), the volumes of tumors decreased to varying degrees compared with the preoperative ones.The maximum diameter of the lesions was (4.2±0.8) cm before operations, and the maximum diameter of the lesions was (1.7±0.5) cm 12 months after operations (t=14.755, P<0.05).Conclusions CT-guided percutaneous chemoablation of intra-abdominal metastatic lymph nodes is a safe,inexpensive,effective, less invasive and easily manipulated procedure; however, its long term efficacy and influence on the survival period of patients should be further investigated.
Received: 10 April 2016
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