Comparative study on screening methods of spondyloarthritis in recruits of People’s Armed Police Force |
CAO Maorong,ZHOU Xiurong,SUN Dawei,DONG Pengfei,SUN Zhihong,ZHAO Lingyi,and ZHANG Chunyan |
Department of Cardiology,Heilongjiang Provincial Corps Hospital,Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Hrbin 150076,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the most effective screening method of the spondyloarthritis in recruits of People’s Armed Police Force.Methods 2-phase survey was conducted in 5402 recruits of People’s Armed Police Forces,including face-to-face interviews with standardized COPCORD questionnaires and physical examination(Phase Ⅰ screening); further examination with X-ray film and CT of sacroiliac joint and laboratory detection of HLA-B27 of the suspected cases(Phase Ⅱ).Reault 42 cases were confirmed,there were 8 cases of AS,2 cases were indentified with ReA,1 case was indentified with PsA, 31 cases were indentified with USpA.Conclusions USpA accounts for a large enough proportion of all the spondyloarthritis.The diagnostic value of X-ray film in single examination is poor, CT combined with laboratory detection of HLA-B27 can raise diagnostic rate of spondyloarthritis.
Received: 11 November 2015
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