Effect of deacclimatization on personnel returning from plateau training |
HAN Qizhi1, ZHOU Chenlin1, XU Li2, LIU Lei2, and YU Min1 |
1.Department of Health Service,Fourth Military Medical University,XI’an 710032,China; 2. Lintong Sanatorium, Lanzhou Military Region,Xi’an 710600,China |
Abstract Objective To explore the effect of deacclimatization on troops who have returned to the plains after training on the plateau.Methods Subjective questionnaires regarding the effect of deacclimatization were distributed among 100 soldiers three, ten and twenty days after they returned to the plains step by step from a training mission of 120 days on the plateau 4300 meters above sea level.Results Ten days after their return to the plains, six symptoms, including fatigue, dizziness, distraction, insomnia, chest tightness and vertigo, deteriorated compared with three days after their return. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Twenty days after their return, these symptoms were alleviated and the difference was of statistical significance (P<0.05). The change in the severity of dizziness, poor appetite, constipation, extremities numbness and diarrhea was not statistically significant (P>0.05). Conclusions The special environment on the plateau has an impact on the physical and mental state of troops engaged in short-term training. During their step-to-step return to the plains, quick decclimatization is necessary. To this end, early mass comprehensive interventions should be undertaken, the training during decclimatization organized in a proper way, and troops with severe symptoms subjected to targeted treatment.
Received: 01 March 2017
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