Clinical features and prognostic factors of male plasma cell mastitis |
XIE Fang, ZHANG Dongxiao, SUN Yujian, DONG Hao, FU Na, WANG Chun, HUANG Qiao, ZHAO Wenjie, and CHEN Hui |
Department of Breast Surgery,Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Capital Medical University, Beijing100010,China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical features and prognosis of male plasma cell mastitis.Methods Clinical data of six male plasma cell mastitis patients and 51 female ones was collected. Differences in prognostic outcomes between the two groups were compared, and the relationships between age, clinical characteristics, smoking history and prognostic significance were analyzed.Results More male patients of plasma cell mastitis suffered from centrally located tumors, with the mammary areola as the predilection site, than female ones. Male patients with plasma cell mastitis were older(41.3±5.06) than female patients(37.3±5.06).Males were more casual about this disease than females. The duration of treatment was shorter for males(3.3±2.11months) than for females, and the curative effect was more satisfactory.Conclusions Males develop plasma cell mastitis at an older age than females, but there is no significant difference in prognosis. Conservative treatment of plasma cell mastitis has better clinical effect.
Received: 28 September 2016
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