Current situation of hypertension, hyperglycaemia and high blood lipids in Guangxi rural populations |
HONG Shaocai1, CHEN Kaining2, HUANG Fudeng3, MU Qiang4, BIN Shiping4, WANG Bin4, Huang liling5 |
1.Department of Cardiology, 2. Department of Orthopedics, 3. Department of Clinical Laboratory, 4. Department of Medical Affairs, 5.Department of Special Clinic, Guangxi Regional Crops Hospital of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Nanning 530003, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the current situation of hypertension, hyperglycaemia and high blood lipids, which are known as “three highs”in China, in Guangxi rural populations in order to provide reference for effective health education in rural areas.Methods A questionnaire survey was carried out among inhabitants in ten villages and towns in Guangxi between October 2015 and March 2017. The content of the questionnaire included the amount of knowledge of “three highs”and of ways of prevention of “three highs”. The blood pressure of the upper right arm and blood lipids of the finger tip were also measured on the spot.Results A total of 1856 rural inhabitants were surveyed and measured. 39.33% of these inhabitants had an extremely poor knowledge of “three highs”. Only 16.86% of these inhabitants knew that hypertension and diabetes could not be cured once for all. The percentage of inhabitants willing to undergo regular medical examinations each year was 33.14%. Inhabitants who chose to ward off “three highs” by refraining from smoking or drinking and weight control accounted for 30.23% and 24.14% of the total respectively. The prevalence of hypertension and high-low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia among rural inhabitants was 39.22% and 24.30% respectively. Besides, the incidence of the two diseases was higher among elderly patients than among young and middle-aged ones.Conclusions The inhabitants in rural areas of Guangxi lack the knowledge of “three highs” and know little about ways of prevention. The prevalence of hypertension and high-low-density lipoprotein cholesterolemia in rural inhabitants is high, especially among the elders.
Received: 05 July 2017
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