Clinical efficacy of low temperature plasma ablation for early glottic cancer patients |
ZHAO Longzhu, SUN Hanjun, WANG Xiaolu, WANG Huibing, WANG Ning, CHEN Yuanxing |
The Third Medical Center,PLA General Hospital,Beijing 100039,China |
Abstract Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of low temperature plasma ablation for early glottic cancer patients.Methods The clinical data of 32 patients with T1 and T2 glottic cancer who underwent cryo-plasma ablation in our hospital between January 2012 and July 2018 was selected, among whom neither radiotherapy nor chemotherapy was performed before and after operation. All these cases were closely followed up for information on their postoperative recovery, complications and recurrence.Results All the patients were followed up for more than half a year, the wounds were smooth, no infection occurred, and the patients were satisfied with the recovery of voice.No tumors survived, two patients with pre-existing lesions were involved, and the degree of combined adhesion became lighter after surgery, which had no effect on future articulation or daily communication. Three patients were examined by electronic laryngoscopy for granulation tissue growth one or two months after surgery, which subsided after 2 or 3 months and scarred after 4 months. There was no recurrence.Conclusions Low-temperature plasma surgery is effective in the treatment of early glottic laryngeal cancer. This technique combined with support laryngoscopy can give play to the technical advantages of plastic plasma heads in the narrow anterior joint region, which can be used to preserve the laryngeal function. Local tumors can be brought under more effective control.
Received: 13 November 2018
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