Effect of lengths of service in Tibet on stamina and biochemical indices of Armed Police soldiers |
LIU Hui1, LI Shanshan2, LI Cheng1, GENG Ruihui3, WANG Jian1, LI Yuxin3 |
1. Weigongqiao Outpatient Department, Jingxi Medical Section of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100089, China; 2. Jingxi Medical Section of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100144,China; 3. Department of Internal Medicine, No.1 Motorized Contingent Hospital of Armed Police Force, Dingzhou 073000, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the effect of lengths of stay in Tibet on stamina and related physiological indices of Armed Police soldiers so as to provide data for acclimatization and physical fitness training. Methods Sixty-nine male soldiers from a unit of the Armed Police stationed in Tibet at an altitude of 3700 m were selected as the subjects. They were divided into the acute plateau exposure group and the chronic plateau exposure group according to the time they were enlisted in Tibet. Levels of testosterone (T), creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase MB (CK-MB), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), red blood cells (RBCs) and hemoglobin (HB) were measured before and after the 3 km test. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale was used to assess levels of fatigue after 3 km test. Results The chronic plateau exposure group had better a 3 km test results [(910.00±62.20)s vs. (944.56±74.46)s, P<0.05] while the acute plateau exposure group had significantly increased RPE scores [(7.53±0.81)score vs. (8.39±0.75)score, P<0.05]. In addition, 3 km test results and RPE scores were negatively correlated with lengths of stay in Tibet (r=-0.311,P=0.009 and r=-0.344,P=0.004). Before the 3 km test, T, RBC and HB of the chronic plateau exposure group were much higher while CK, CK-MB, LDH, AST were significantly lower than those of the acute plateau exposure group (P<0.05). After the 3 km test, T, CK, CK-MB, LDH, AST increased significantly in both groups (P<0.05), but RBC and HB did not change significantly. There was no statistically significant difference in the value of each index between the two groups. Conclusions Armed Police soldiers on the plateau have stronger adaptability to the hypoxic environment with corresponding changes in biochemical indices. With the extension of stay and training, the soldiers will have stronger adaptability and stamina in the hypoxic environment on the plateau.
Received: 01 February 2021
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