Applicability of CT scan in physical reexamination of recruits |
PENG Shoukun1, SUN Jun2, ZHAO Xuefeng1, ZHAO Jianhong1, DONG Zhongxian1, XUN Rui1, WANG Guoyan1 |
1. Department of Medical Imaging;2. Medical Department, Yunnan Provincial Corps Hospital of Chinese Armed Police Force, Kunming 650111, China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the value of head CT scan in physical reexamination of recruits. Methods The data on head CT results of 2482 recruits who had undergone reexamination was reviewed and studied. Results There were a total of 224 cases with abnormal CT findings and the positive rate was 9.03%, including 110 cases of arachnoid cysts with a positive rate of 4.43%, 63 cases of cavity or cysts of the septum pellucidum with a positive rate of 2.54%, 21 cases of paranasal sinusitis with a positive rate of 0.85%, 19 cases of non-physiological calcification in the brain tissue with a positive rate of 0.77%, 3 cases of encephalomalacia focus with a positive rate of 0.12%,5 cases of ventricular system abnormalities with a positive rate of 0.20%, 2 cases of tumors in the skull with a positive rate of 0.08%, and 1 case of skull osteoma with a positive rate of 0.04%. Conclusions The CT scan of the head can effectively detect pathological changes in the brain of recruits, thus contributing to reduced rates of injury and disability. It is recommended that such examination be included during physical reexamination of recruits.
Received: 20 January 2021
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