Medication in the department of dermatology at an Armed Police Force hospital |
WEI Yan1, SU Jingyan2, LU Yanling1, DU Ximei3 |
1. Department of Pharmacy, 2. Department of Medical Imaging, 3. Department of Information, Guangxi Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Nanning 530003, China |
Abstract Objective To offer guidance for allocation of drugs for medical support in the hospital by investigating the disease composition and medications in a dermatological department.Methods The prescriptions for outpatients and medical rounds by a department of dermatology between 2018 and 2019 were collected for analysis. A retrospective study was made on the constituent ratio of different dermatosis, routes of administration, categories of medicine, and DDDs of oral drugs.Results The collected 1756 prescriptions included 1573 ones for outpatients and 183 for medical rounds. Drugs for allergic, fungal and viral dermatosis were dominant in outpatient prescriptions (the constituent ratio was 39.03%,18.25% and 13.10% respectively), while drugs for allergic, bacterial and insect dermatosis were dominating in medical rounds prescriptions (the constituent ratio was 37.16% ,19.13% and 12.02% respectively). There was significant difference in the constituent ratio of prescriptions of drugs for dermatosis between the outpatient department and medical rounds(P<0.05). Furthermore, the number of drugs for external use, oral drugs and injection prescriptions was respectively 931(59.19%), 573(36.43%) and 69(4.39%) in the outpatient department, compared with 151 (82.51%), 32(17.49%) and 0(0%) for medical rounds, so there was also significant difference in the routes of administration between the two types of prescriptions. The constituent ratio of drugs for external use was dominated by antifungal, disinfectant , antipruritic and antibacterial drugs (26.96%, 25.46% and 24.27% respectively) among outpatients, but was dominated by disinfectants and antipruritic, antifungal and glucocorticoid drugs (48.34%, 38.41%,22.52% respectively) among patients treated during medical rounds. Oral antihistamines were common in outpatients and medical rounds (64.74% and 62.50% respectively), but no significant difference was found in the constituent ratio of oral drugs between the two types of prescriptions (P>0.05).Conclusions Allergic and fungal dermatosis is the most common in the outpatient department and oral antihistamines and antifungal drugs are common medications for such diseases. Allergic and bacterial dermatosis is the most common diseases in medical rounds, while disinfectant and antipruritic drugs for external use as well as antifungal drugs are common medications for such diseases. Medications are basically rational in both the outpatient department and medical rounds.
Received: 10 June 2021
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