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武警医学  2019, Vol. 30 Issue (10): 834-837    DOI:
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超声剪切波成像联合ACR TI-RADS分类诊断甲状腺结节良恶性的价值
徐闻1, 王娜2, 马艳1, 闫玮1, 席晓萍1
100027, 武警北京总队医院:1.特诊科,
Applicability of real-time tissue elastography combined with ACR TI-RADS classification in the diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules
XU Wen1, WANG Na2, MA Yan1, YAN Wei1, and XI Xiaoping1
1.Department of Specific Care,
2.The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Beijing 100027,China

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