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武警医学  2021, Vol. 32 Issue (5): 411-415    DOI:
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陈艳琼1, 吴斌1, 王耀彬1, 张春平2, 周毅方3, 李龙3
2.650111 昆明,武警云南总队医院内二科;
3.510507 广州,武警广东总队医院医学影像科放射诊断专科
Value of low-dose constant current control scanning in chest CT for the follow-up of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis in the primary therapy
CHEN Yanqiong1, WU Bin1, WANG Yaobin1, ZHANG Chunping2, ZHOU Yifang3, LI Long3
1. Department of Medical Imaging, Beijing Municipal Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces, Beijing 100027, China;
2. Second department of internal medicine, Yunnan Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces, Kunming 650111, China;
3. Division of Diagnostic Radiology, Department of Medical Imaging, Guangdong Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People's Armed Police Forces, Guangzhou 510507, China

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