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武警医学  2020, Vol. 31 Issue (4): 308-312    DOI:
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邓云鹏1, 白晟遥2, 范煜东1, 杨兴胜1, 吴迪1
1.100028 北京,应急总医院心内科;
2.102613 北京,武警特色医学中心突发公共卫生事件医学防治研究所
The comparison of radiation dose in coronary angiography through different accesses
DENG Yunpeng1, BAI Shengyao2, FAN Yudong1, YANG Xingsheng1, WU Di1
1.Emergency General Hospital,Beijing 100028,China;
2.The Researoh Inst: tute for modical prevention and Cotrtol of pvblic Hoalth Emergenly,Characteristic Medical Center of Amed Police, Beijing 102613, China

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