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武警医学  2023, Vol. 34 Issue (12): 1021-1024    DOI:
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吴桐1,2, 陶天柱2, 杨晓明2, 董佳欣1,2, 陈宇祺1,2, 李白容3, 叶博2
1.110122 沈阳,中国医科大学研究生院;100142 北京,空军特色医学中心:2.麻醉科,3.消化内科
Application of a new special-shaped nasopharyngeal catheter in painless gastroscopy in patients with OSAHS
WU Tong1,2, TAO Tianzhu2, YANG Xiaoming2, DONG Jiaxin1,2, CHEN Yuqi1,2, LI Bairong3, YE Bo2
1. Graduate School of China Medical University, Shenyang 110122,China; 2. Department of Anesthesiology,3. Department of Gastroenterology, Characteristics Medical Center of PLA Air Force, Beijing 100142,China

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