Epidemiological survey and risk factors analysis of mammary gland hyperplasia in Qinhuangdao |
WANG Jingshi, LI Yanguo, and LIANG Gu |
Department of Radiology, Qinhuangdao First Hospital, Qinhuangdao 066000,China |
Abstract Objective To analyze the results of an epidemiological survey and risk factors of female patients with hyperplasia of mammary glands in Qinhuangdao and to provide data for strategies of effective prevention.Methods 475 cases of breast hyperplasia detected during physical examinations in our hospital between January 2015 and December 2015 were selected as the experimental group, with another 475 healthy persons undergoing the same physical examinations as the control group. The incomes, marital status, BMI index, length of residence along the coast, texture of bras, how long bras were worn, tightness of bras, length of sleep , time taken to fall asleep, amount of time spent on the computer, age, occupation, feeding patterns and levels of education were statistically analyzed.Results There was statistically significant difference between the observation group and control group in incomes, BMI index, bra texture, length of time bras were worn, tightness, length of sleep time, time taken to fall asleep, daily exposure to the computer, age, occupation, feeding patterns and levels of education (P<0.05).Conclusions Higher BMI indexes, improper bra materials, too tight or too long-worn bras, too short sleep time, staying up late, feeding no babies, high levels of education.are all risk factors of breast hyperplasia.
Received: 23 February 2017
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