MRI results of knee joints of Armed Police Force |
WANG Lei1,XU Wenjing2, ZI Li1, TANG Fengming2 |
1.Logistic University of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force,Tianjin 300309, China; 2. Special Medical Center of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300162, China |
Abstract Objective To find out about the conditions and characteristics of knee joint injuries and to explore prevention and treatment measures by analyzing the MRI results of knee joints of some servicemen in the Armed Police Force.Methods According to the inclusion criteria, the basic information and MRI results of some servicemen in the Armed Police Force who had visited the Chinese People Armed Police Special Medical Center between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018 and undergone MRI examination of knee joints for the first time were collected. The difference in gender, age, knees and meniscus injury was statistically analyzed.Results A total of 1015 patients were enrolled, including 949(93.50%) males and 66(6.50%)females. Forty-one of them underwent bilateral knee MRI examination. There were 1056 knee joints involved, 861(81.53%)of them injured, and 95(8.99%)with benign lesions. The different gender and age groups(≤30 years old, and >30 years old) with knee injuries were compared by chi-square test(χ2 =2.19,χ2 =1.48). There was no significant difference between the two groups. The difference between knee joint and meniscus injury groups (injury ≤Grade Ⅱ, injury >Grade Ⅱ) was analyzed by chi-square test(χ2 =4.427,χ2 =8.894), and was found to be statistically significant(P<0.05). The right knee joint was more likely to be injured and the lateral meniscus was more severely injured.Conclusions Appropriate training plans and contents should be formulated according to the gender, age and vulnerable parts of knee joints to reduce the incidence of knee joint injuries.
Received: 10 June 2019
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