AbstractObjective To compare two recovery Methods (active vs.passive) on exercise performance and training effect during sprint interval training in soldiers.Methods Eighteen male soldiers performed 6 sets of sprint interval training (30 s cycling sprints, Wingate test). Each set was followed by 4 min of passive (resting still on the ergometer) or active recovery (pedaling at 1.1 W/kg). Peak power (PP), mean power (MP), fatigue index (FI), total work (TW) and heart rate (HR) were recorded during each Wingate test (not including interval period).Results Compared with passive recovery, active recovery resulted in a lower PP in the 2 nd Wingate test (P<0.05) and a greater MP and HR in the 4~6 th Wingate test (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between FI and TW between the 2 recovery conditions(P>0.05).Conclusion Passive recovery is beneficial when only 2 sprints are completed, whereas active recovery better maintains performance on subsequent Wingate test. When performing sprint interval training, soldiers should select a reasonable recovery method according to training plan to improve the training effect.
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