Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical significance of spatial anatomy of myopectineal orifice (MPO) in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair(LIHR).Methods The Ddata of ninety-six TEP or TAPP cases treated between Jun 2013 and Jun 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into TEP group(n=42) and TAPP group(n=54). The symptoms and postoperative recovery were analyzed and recorded respectively. The potential risk factors correlated with postoperative complications were also analyzed.Results Operations were successful in all the cases and no open surgery was produced.The duration of operation was(45±12) min,and the main post operative complications were scrotal seroma (hematoma) (3 cases,3.1%). Follow-ups lasted 6 months to 3 years in all the cases. No recurrence was observed.Conclusions A good knowledge of the anatomical features and techniques of spatial anatomical separation of myopectineal orifice is essential to the prevention of recurrence and post-operative complications.
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