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武警医学  2024, Vol. 35 Issue (12): 1058-1061    DOI:
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杨国红, 蔡伟, 石蕊, 张建起, 牛秀珑, 郭卿, 张芯, 王涛, 王晓静, 陈少伯
300162 天津,武警特色医学中心高原高寒环境及心血管病防治研究所
KAP level of elderly hypertension patients in Hedong district of Tianjin and its influencing factors
YANG Guohong, CAI Wei, SHI Rui, ZHANG Jianqi, NIU Xiulong, GUO Qing, ZHANG Xin, WANG Tao, WANG Xiaojing, CHEN Shaobo
Institute of Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in Alpine Environment of Plateau, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Remodeling and Target Organ Injury, Characteristics Medical Center of Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Tianjin 300162, China

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