Correlations between acute coronary syndrome combined with cardiac shock and post-operative cognitive dysfunction |
CHENG Huafeng, DUAN Xin, and WANG Wei |
Department of Anesthesia, Yingshan People’s Hospital of Hubei Province, Yingshan 438700, China |
Abstract Objective To explore the correlations between influencing factors of acute coronary syndrome(ACS) due to cardiac shock(CS) and post-operative cognitive dysfunction(POCD).Methods Patients of ACS combined with CS treated in our hospital between July 2014 to January 2016 were enrolled in this study. Basic data on the patients’ general health was recorded. Scores of acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ (APACHEⅡ) and intra-aortic balloon pump indicators were collected. Those factors were taken as covariates while whether patients of ACS combined with CS were accompanied by POCD within one week of hospitalization was taken as the dependent variable. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to identify independent factors.Results Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 48 cases of ACS combined with CS were ultimately included, among whom 18 were complicated with POCD in the corresponding period, and 30 had nocognitive dysfunction. Interventions were comparable between the two groups, so was the basic data except for age and levels of education. Binary logistics regression analysis showed that the level of education,use of IABP and dexmedetomidine were independent protective factors while age, NSE, the time taken to recanalize blood vessels after chest pain, and sudden drop of blood pressure in reducing counter pulsation frequency were independent risk factors.Conclusions Clinicians should be alert to these influencing factors, conduct timely screening and implement interventions as soon as possible in order to effectively prevent the occurrence of POCD, improve clinical outcomes of patients with ACS combined with CS.
Received: 19 April 2017
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