Investigation of TCM constitution identification of recruits in a unit of Chinese Armed Police Force |
LIU Juan1,AN Zhaoyong2,MENG Gangqing3,and WANG Lan1 |
1.Traditional Chinese Medicine Department, Shaanxi Provincial Corps Hospital, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Xi’an 710054, China; 2.The First Department of Shaanxi Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Xi’an 710021, China; 3.The Second Department of Shaanxi Provincial Corps, Chinese People’s Armed Police Force, Xi’an 710024, China |
Abstract Objective To investigate the applicability of TCM constitution identification in recruits in a unit of Chinese Armed Police Force and to explore the factors of influence.Methods Using the TCM Constitution Scales, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 506 recruits in a unit of Chinese Armed Police Force in September 2016. According to the TCM constitution classification and determination, TCM constitution was identified and constitutive differences of TCM constitution were compared between these recruits.Results Among the 506 subjects, there were 352 cases of single constitution (69.57%) and 154 cases of concurrent constitution (30.43%). Among these cases of single constitution, there were 139 cases of the flat quality (39.49%) and 213 cases of biased quality (60.51%). Qi deficiency, Yang deficiency, and phlegm proportion accounted for 12.50%, 10.51% and 10.23% of the cases of single constitution with biased quality. The distribution of TCM constitution was significantly different between recruits from different areas, household registration, education levels and body mass index (P<0.05).Conclusions TCM constitution is good among recruits of a unit of Chinese Armed Police Force. The types of TCM constitution are associated with places of birth, family backgrounds, education and body mass index, which provides data for helping recruits out of the first period of adaptation via preventive treatment of diseases with TCM.
Received: 15 March 2017
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