Changes in blood lipid levels of pregnant women of advanced maternal age and correlations with delivery outcomes |
XING Yu, WANG Xiaoxin, ZHANG Weiyuan, WANG Xin |
Department of Obstetrics, Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100026, China |
Abstract Objective To determine the normal range of blood lipid levels at different stages of pregnancy for women of advanced maternal age and study the correlations between blood lipid levels and delivery outcomes.Methods (1) The medical records of 5,470 cases of pregnant women of advanced maternalage were screened, who had delivered at Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital between January 2018 and December 2019. A total of 834 cases of pregnancy at advanced maternal age were obtained that could be used to establish a reference range for blood lipid levels of pregnant women. The direct method recommended by the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) in its document C28-A3 was employed to establish the reference range in conjunction with the non-parameter method. (2) The blood lipid levels for different stages of pregnancy among the 5,470 cases of advanced maternal age were inputted into the reference range established above to analyze correlations between the anomaly in blood lipid levels in middle and late pregnancy on one hand and small-for-gestational-age babies,large-for-gestational-age babies,macrosomia and low birth weight babies on the other hand.Results (1)Blood lipid levels at advanced maternal age increased significantly. (2) The reference range of blood lipid levels for advanced maternal age was as follows: total cholesterol (3.169,5.868) mmol/L,triglycerides (0.520,2.016)mmol/L,high density lipoprotein (1.069, 2.131) mmol/L,low density lipoprotein (1.249, 3.488) mmol/L in early pregnancy,total cholesterol(4.690, 8.170) mmol/L,triglycerides(1.120,4.071)mmol/L,high density lipoprotein(1.268, 2.610) mmol/L, low density lipoprotein (1.950, 5.104) mmol/L in middle pregnancy, and total cholesterol (5.210, 8.861) mmol/L,triglycerides (1.658, 5.861) mmol/L, high density lipoprotein (1.240, 2.601) mmol/L, low density lipoprotein (2.129, 5.531) mmol/L in late pregnancy. (3) The decrease of high density lipoprotein in middle pregnancy and increase of triglycerides in late pregnancy were risk factors for large-for-gestational-age babies and macrosomia,while the increase of high density lipoprotein in late pregnancy was a protection factor for large-for-gestational-age babies and macrosomia.The decrease of triglycerides in late pregnancy was a risk factor for low birth weight infants.The rise of high density lipoprotein in late pregnancy was a risk factor for small-for-gestational-age babies for women at advanced maternal age.Conclusions Blood lipid levels at advanced maternal age can increase significantly, so it is necessary to establish different reference ranges. The levels of triglycerides and high density lipoprotein in middle and late pregnancy are closely correlated with delivery outcomes. The correlations between the anomaly in blood lipid level as defined by this study and delivery outcomes has verified the reliability of the reference range.
Received: 02 May 2021
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