Studies in Science of Science ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 779-786.

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Reproducibility crisis and new approach of Pre-registration


  • Received:2019-09-24 Revised:2020-02-13 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-05-27



  1. 1. 华侨大学哲学与社会发展学院
  • 通讯作者: 王阳

Abstract: Reproducibility crisis is the new challenge of current science since 2010. Firstly, there are deny of reproducibility crisis, or no solution to reproducibility crisis, but the new practice of pre-registration could attempt to control reproducibility crisis. Secondly, from the new idea of pre-registration in 2013 to new wave of pre-registration, the development in the six years is extremely quickly, owing to it is approach to the essence of science. Its standard of peer review is exclusively the creativity of idea and reasonability of design of experiment, as well as the whole quality control of research process, including idea creation, experiment design, experiment process and paper writing. Thirdly, pre-registration require the sign between the testing experiment and exploratory experiment, as well as the whole record of the change from idea to experiment result, so as to preventing from publication bias and elevate the reproducibility of experiment. As long as China develop into innovation country and confront with reproducibility crisis, China should begin to the try pre-registration in some Sci-tech Journals, constructing the idea registration and data upload platform, and new peer review model, so as to diminish reproducibility crisis.

摘要: 可重复性危机构成了2010年以来的当代科学重大挑战。第一,处置可重复性危机,或有否定危机的存在,或有主张无法解决危机,更有预注册的新实践以消除可重复性危机;第二,从2013年预注册观念的提出,到当前蔚为大观的实践,六年来迅猛发展之势值得重视,新进路更趋近观念创新的科学本质,唯一地把实验前的观念创新程度和实验设计合理程度作为判断发表的标准,完善了从想法、实验设计、实验过程和撰写过程的科研全过程的质量控制;第三,预注册明确要求标记符合原先实验设计的验证性实验和事后发现的探索性实验,完整记录和合理解释关于想法及实验的全部变化,防止偏向于积极结果的“发表偏见”,提升了实验的可重复程度。随着中国日益成为创新型国家,越来越面临着可重复性危机,中国应当开始科技期刊试点预注册,构建从数据注册平台,到建立新同行评议制度在内的预注册制度体系,以抑制可重复性危机。