Studies in Science of Science ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 385-393.

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Research on the Risks and Governance of Facial Recognition Technology and Its Application


  • Received:2022-03-03 Revised:2022-06-14 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-03-15



  1. 1. 中国人民公安大学
  • 通讯作者: 张溪瑨
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: As a benchmark technology in the field of artificial intelligence, facial recognition technology has many advantages, including naturalness, non-contact, imperceptibility, and concurrency. Nowadays, facial recognition technology is widely used in the public and commercial fields. But at the same time, the risks caused by the technical defects, improper information processing make facial information seriously threatened. Facial information is biometric information and personal sensitive information. In the era of big data, the "informed consent principle", which is the important legal basis for personal information processing, faces practical difficulties in the protection of facial information. Therefore, China needs to regulate the application of facial recognition technology. Specifically, there are three ways to build risk management system of facial recognition technology of China, namely, legal level (risk governance at the source), technical standards (fill-in risk governance), and regulatory sandbox (adaptive risk governance), which help to balance the innovative application of facial recognition technology with the legitimate rights and interests of information subjects, thereby creating responsible facial recognition technology.

摘要: 作为人工智能领域的落地标杆技术,人脸识别技术具有自然性、非接触性、不易察觉性、并发性等特征。当前,人脸识别技术在公共领域和商业领域得到广泛应用。但与此同时,人脸识别技术缺陷引发的风险和信息处理合法性风险使得人脸信息的保护备受挑战。人脸信息是生物识别信息,属于个人敏感信息。在大数据时代,作为个人信息处理的重要合法性基础,“知情同意原则”在人脸信息保护方面面临实践困境。因此,我国亟需规范人脸识别技术的应用,有必要从法律层面(源头上风险治理)、技术标准(填补式风险治理)、监管沙盒(适应性风险治理)三个角度来完善我国人脸识别技术风险治理体系,在人脸识别技术创新应用与信息主体合法权益之间寻求平衡,从而打造负责任的人脸识别技术。