Studies in Science of Science ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 1864-1874.

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The Impact of Meta-Knowledge Development Capabilities on Disruptive Innovation of Enterprises—— From Resources to Capabilities


  • Received:2022-07-31 Revised:2022-11-15 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-26


张亚莉1,李辽辽2,卢 迪1   

  1. 1.
    2. 西北工业大学
  • 通讯作者: 李辽辽
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by the escalating trade frictions between China and the United States, it is vital for Chinese enterprises to achieve the transformation from "Following" to "Leading" through disruptive innovation breakthroughs. Disruptive innovation has become the key to the development of enterprises and the implementation of national strategic goals. Meta-knowledge development capability is a new concept in knowledge management that may become disruptive innovation's power source. However, the effect and mechanism of this role are not evident in the existing literature. Based on the theory of knowledge transfer and dynamic capability, and with the construction of resources to capabilities as the clue, this study establishes a multi-stage theoretical model for transforming meta-knowledge development capability into enterprise disruptive innovation. Data were collected from 331 relevant Chinese enterprises through a questionnaire survey. PLS-SEM and bootstrapping were used to test the hypothesis. In order to further verify the results of the empirical analysis, the researchers interviewed top managers of 10 enterprises engaged in disruptive innovation activities, with an average interview time of 38 minutes. The research results show that: (1) Meta-knowledge development capability has a positive and significant impact on the disruptive innovation of enterprises, and this effect is realized through the chain mediation of knowledge transfer and dynamic ability. Specifically, the meta-knowledge development capability broadens the scope of knowledge search, enables enterprises to locate and obtain the required knowledge accurately, and improves the efficiency of knowledge transfer. Furthermore, the accumulation and interactive configuration of knowledge resources have improved the dynamic capabilities of enterprises and promoted their disruptive innovation. (2) Social capital can strengthen the influence of meta-knowledge development ability and its path, and it plays a significant role in promoting meta-knowledge development ability and knowledge transfer. This is mainly because high social capital can provide rich and stable access to knowledge and help enterprises acquire new knowledge with both quality and quantity. (3) Dynamic capability is essential in the path from meta-knowledge development capability to enterprise disruptive innovation. It plays a complete intermediary role between knowledge transfer and disruptive innovation. In other words, the indirect impact of knowledge transfer on disruptive innovation is achieved by improving enterprises' perception, responsiveness, and resource allocation through knowledge transfer. Based on the management practice in China, the research results enrich the relevant theories of knowledge management and innovation management. The research links disruptive innovation and the frontier concept of knowledge management, meta-knowledge development capability, and clarifies the significance of meta-knowledge development capability in promoting enterprises to achieve disruptive innovation, expanding the research on the impact of knowledge management on disruptive innovation and providing suggestions for the systematic construction of the theoretical system in the field of disruptive innovation. At the same time, managers of enterprises need to recognize the importance of knowledge management when conducting disruptive innovation. Moreover, they should pay more attention to meta-knowledge development capabilities and actively take measures such as expanding social capital, strengthening knowledge transfer, and constantly cultivating dynamic capabilities to achieve the goal of disruptive innovation.

摘要: 在中美贸易摩擦升级和关键核心技术受制于人的背景下,颠覆性创新已成为中国企业跨越式发展的新机遇和国家战略目标落地的重要突破口。元知识开发能力是知识管理领域的新兴概念,可能成为推动颠覆性创新的重要动力来源,但既有文献并未明晰其作用效果和机制。本研究基于知识基础理论与动态能力理论,构建了元知识开发能力影响企业颠覆性创新的多阶段理论模型,并以331家相关企业为研究对象进行了实证研究。结果发现:(1)元知识开发能力通过知识转移、动态能力的链式中介作用正向影响企业颠覆性创新;(2)社会资本对元知识开发能力和知识转移均有显著的促进作用;(3)动态能力在知识转移和颠覆性创新之间起到完全中介作用。研究丰富了知识管理与创新管理的相关理论,为中国企业实现颠覆性创新提供了启示。