Studies in Science of Science ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 2567-2577.

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A Study on the Trend of Domestic Mobility and Evolution of Chinese Researchers


  • Received:2023-11-16 Revised:2024-01-19 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-15



  1. 1. 南京农业大学信息管理学院
    3. 南京农业大学
  • 通讯作者: 杨波
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: [Purpose/significance]With the promotion of the strategy of 'strengthening the nation through human resource development', there has been a serious loss of scientific researchers in central and western universities in China, which led to the further structural imbalance in mobility regions. The paper aims to analyze Chinese researchers' current mobility trend and characteristics and provide a reference for talent absorption and management in some regions and institutions. [Method/process]The ORCID dataset, publication data from WoS and institutional name data from multiple platforms were used as data sources, which were connected and normalized using rule-based and machine learning techniques to reconstruct the profile of Chinese researchers using data mining methods. Then, from the perspectives of mobility scale, mobility frequency and mobility patterns, the study analyzes the characteristics and trends of domestic mobility among Chinese researchers. Besides, the study examines the trends of talent mobility in various regions and the "new first-tier" cities after China's reform and opening by providing an in-depth analysis of Chinese researchers' mobility evolution. [Result/conclusion]In general, the mobility of Chinese researchers is vast, but it is not frequent; the "siphon effect" of talents in "double first-class" universities coexists with competition for talents; regional mobility of researchers is unevenly distributed, with "new first-tier" cities and most regions of China having a high level of mobility, whereas northeastern and central China are experiencing severe brain drain problems. Based on these findings, this paper provides countermeasures for establishing a virtuous cycle of talent cultivation in a multidimensional collaboration of "national-local-university" as a means of further implementing the strategy of strengthening the country with talent, conducting twinning and supporting projects, improving the research environment, and enhancing the treatment of talents.

摘要: [目的/意义]随着人才强国战略的推进,中西部高校科研人员流失严重,流动区域的结构性进一步失衡。本研究旨在分析中国范围内科研人员流动的趋势及特点,为部分区域和机构的人才吸纳与管理提供参考。[方法/过程]将ORCID数据集、WoS文献数据与多个平台的机构名称数据相关联,采用机器学习技术和一系列规则对机构数据进行规范化处理,利用数据挖掘的方法对中国科研人员个人履历进行重构,之后从流动规模、流动频次及流动模式等角度探讨中国科研人员的国内流动特征及态势,并以改革开放后我国各地区及“新一线”城市人才流动趋势为研究对象,深入剖析中国科研人员的流动演进状况。[结果/结论]总体上,中国科研人员流动规模庞大,但流动频次偏低;“双一流”高校人才“虹吸效应”与人才竞争并存;科研人员的区域流动分布不均衡,“新一线”城市和中国大部分地区人才流动情况较好,而东北和华中地区人才流失问题严峻。综合这些发现,本文从深入实施人才强国战略、开展结对共建和帮扶工作、改善科研环境和提升人才待遇方面提出了构建“国家-地方-高校”多维协同的人才培养良性循环的对策建议。