Studies in Science of Science ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 888-897.

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Research on the relationship among international entrepreneurial experience, market knowledge accumulation and ambidexterity innovation——An empirical research based on born globals


  • Received:2018-03-13 Revised:2018-05-07 Online:2019-05-15 Published:2019-05-23



  1. 1. 河南师范大学商学院
    2. 中国科学院战略咨询研究院
  • 通讯作者: 潘宏亮
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: The international entrepreneurial experience of entrepreneurs will not only affect the knowledge acquisition of international market, but also influence the choice of innovation strategy. Therefore, exploring the effect of international entrepreneurial experience and market knowledge accumulation on ambidexterity innovation of born globals is a complex and interesting question. This study uses partial least squares (PLS) modeling and SmartPLS4 software in order to analyze the data of 196 survey questionnaires. The results show that the international innovation experience and market knowledge accumulation is the driving mechanism of born globals to carry out the strategy of innovation; The international entrepreneurial experience does not directly affect the exploratory innovation of born globals, but it presents a positive correlation to its exploitative innovation. The market knowledge accumulation will positively influence the exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation of born globals. There is a positive correlation between the exploitative innovation of born globals and the exploratory innovation. The scale of born globals is positively correlated with the market knowledge accumulation; Market uncertainty is positively correlated with the exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation of born globals. The research conclusion provides useful experience for the healthy development of China's born globals.

摘要: 国际创业经验不仅会影响天生国际化企业市场知识累积、更会影响其双元创新战略选择。因此,探究国际创业经验、市场知识累积与天生国际化企业双元创新的动态关系将是一个复杂、有趣的问题,同时也是国际创业、知识管理、技术创新领域亟待解决的问题。本研究运用采用偏最小二乘法建模(PLS)和 SmartPLS4软件,对195份调研问卷收集来的研究数据进行分析,研究结果表明:国际创业经验和市场知识累积是天生国际化企业实施创新战略的驱动机制;国际创业经验并不直接影响天生国际化企业探索式创新,但与其开发式创新呈现正相关关系;市场知识累积会正向影响天生国际化企业探索式创新和开发式创新;天生国际化企业的开发式创新与探索式创新呈现正相关关系;天生国际化企业规模也与市场知识累积呈现正相关关系;市场动态性与天生国际化企业探索式创新和开发式创新均呈现正相关关系。该研究结论将为我国天生国际化企业健康发展提供有益的经验借鉴。