Studies in Science of Science ›› 2020, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 904-911.

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The double path-dependence in the innovation and entrepreneurship of universities: a scripts model of reciprocal structuration theory


  • Received:2019-06-03 Revised:2019-07-02 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-05-27



  1. 1. 西南交通大学
    3. 南开大学
  • 通讯作者: 王路昊
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: It has been long term concerned that the innovation and entrepreneurship of universities usually fall into the path-dependence. Extant studies prefer to interpret it as a result of institutional inertia, while in this study, we bring the framework of reciprocal structuration theory, and employ a grounded theory by a case study of University E building Smart City J. We reveal that there is double path-dependence during the process of innovation and entrepreneurship by universities. To be specific, due to the exogenous and interpretative flexibility, technologies are usually loaded on specific technical logics and institutional structures, while subject to multiple identities and legitimacy requisition, universities are inclined to re-couple the exist structures, or reload other compatible structures, but not challenge or rebuild the existing path or structures. What is more, the micro process of double path-dependence relies on the organizational scripts which implement the reciprocal structuration of technology and society. Therefore, we argue that the importance of technology, especially the socio-technical perspective, as well as the micro-foundation of organization scripts, should be drawn more attentions in the future innovation studies.

摘要: 高校创新创业中的路径依赖问题长期困扰着学术界和政策界。区别于已有研究中的“体制决定论”预设,本文引入了技术与社会互构的研究视角,并基于E大建设智慧J城的案例进行了扎根理论的研究。研究发现,高校的创新创业活动往往陷入在技术路径与制度路径的双重依赖之中。具体来说,既有技术因为外源性和解释的灵活性,往往已经负载了特定的技术逻辑和制度结构,而高校由于其身份多样性和合法性需求,倾向于在技术的升级、开发和生产中,与这些技术逻辑和制度结构再度耦合,或者二次负载可兼容的结构,而非挑战和改造既定的路径。高校陷入双重路径依赖的微观过程,则源于其组织脚本在日常工作的常规中完成了身份认同和合法性获取。对此,本文主张将技术,特别是嵌入了社会结构的技术重新纳入到创新研究的视角中,并重视创新活动中组织脚本潜移默化的巨大作用。