Studies in Science of Science ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (7): 1303-1313.

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The Mechanism of Knowledge Search of Original Innovation of Patent-intensive Enterprises


  • Received:2021-05-26 Revised:2021-12-10 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-07-15



  1. 1.
    2. 哈尔滨工程大学经济管理学院
    3. 哈尔滨工程大学 经济管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 王丹

Abstract: To further promote the self-reliance in science and technology, improving the original innovation ability is a fundamental measure and effective path. Patent-intensive enterprises master technology patents in key areas, and they pay more attention to original innovation in order to form sustainable competitive advantage. The essence of original innovation is the process of new knowledge production, which is inseparable from knowledge search activities. Effective knowledge search of original innovation can help patent-intensive enterprises to carry out knowledge creation activities of original innovation. Therefore, it is very important to clarify the mechanism of knowledge search on knowledge creation. At the beginning, based on the previous research on knowledge search, the research divides knowledge search of original innovation into forward-looking knowledge search and reactive knowledge search, and explores the influence and difference of knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation, as well as the mediating effect of knowledge accumulation and the moderating effect of original innovation will. Thus, the research constructs the theoretical model of the mechanism of knowledge search of original innovation. Then, the research uses questionnaire method to obtain sample data, the subjects of the survey are patent-intensive enterprises, and conducts hypothesis testing and analysis based on questionnaire data. The research results show that the forward-looking knowledge search has a significant positive effect on the knowledge creation of original innovation, and there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the reactive knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation. Knowledge accumulation plays a partial mediating role in the effect of forward-looking knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation, and knowledge accumulation plays a complete mediating role in the effect of reactive knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation. The original innovation will can positively regulate the effect of forward-looking knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation, and significantly regulate the inverted U-shaped relationship between reactive knowledge search and knowledge creation of original innovation. Finally, the research results provide a theoretical basis and practical reference for patent-intensive enterprises to realize the knowledge creation of original innovation and choose appropriate knowledge search strategies. In order to promote knowledge creation of original innovation, patent-intensive enterprises should further play the important role of knowledge search in the knowledge creation process of original innovation, and they should choose suitable knowledge search strategy for the knowledge creation of original innovation. Also, patent-intensive enterprises must attach importance to the transmission of knowledge accumulation between knowledge search and knowledge creation of original innovation, and improve the original innovation will to ensure the positive effect of knowledge search on the knowledge creation of original innovation.

摘要: 研究将原始创新知识搜寻划分为前瞻型知识搜寻与反应型知识搜寻,探究知识搜寻对原始创新知识创造的影响及差异,以及知识积累的中介作用和原始创新意志的调节作用。研究结果表明:前瞻型知识搜寻对原始创新知识创造具有显著正向影响,反应型知识搜寻与原始创新知识创造间具有倒U形关系。知识积累在前瞻型知识搜寻对原始创新知识创造的影响中起到了部分中介作用,知识积累在反应型知识搜寻对原始创新知识创造的影响中起到了完全中介作用。原始创新意志可以正向调节前瞻型知识搜寻对原始创新知识创造的影响,且原始创新意志显著调节了反应型知识搜寻与原始创新知识创造之间的倒U型关系。研究结果为专利密集型企业实现原始创新知识创造而选择适宜的知识搜寻策略提供了理论依据和实践参考。