Studies in Science of Science ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 500-510.

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Absorption Speed, Complementary Assets Linking Capacity and Key Core Technology Breakthrough: The Case of Hisilicon(2004-2021)


  • Received:2022-01-16 Revised:2022-03-22 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2023-03-15



  1. 1. 浙江大学管理学院
    2. 浙江大学
  • 通讯作者: 莫康
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Rapid realization of key core technology breakthroughs is significant for my country to solve the "stuck neck" problem. Innovation remains at the heart of China’s modernization drive. It will strengthen our science and technology to provide strategic support for China’s development. Existing research on how to break through key core technologies only focuses on influencing factors, process, mechanism, mode, and path. There is an insufficient discussion on how latecomer companies can achieve breakthroughs in key core technologies in a short period. Taking HiSilicon as a research object, this paper uses the method of case study and deeply examines the mechanism of rapid breaking through key core technology for latecomer companies. The research results show that: First, introduce the concept of absorption speed, and the rapid realization of key core technology breakthroughs present a dynamic evolution process from improving the absorption speed of external knowledge from individuals, intra-organization, and inter-organization. Second, from the perspective of absorptive capacity and key core technology breakthroughs, our study examines the role and evolution characteristics of complementary assets linking capacity with the increase in the absorption speed. This paper distinguishes generic complementary assets, specialized complementary assets, and cospecialized complementary assets and discusses intra-complementary asset linking capacity, intercomplementary asset linking capacity, and core-complementary linking capacity in the dynamic evolution of absorption speed. It also reveals that core-complementary linking capacity can accelerate technological iteration and upgrades by coupling technology R&D and the internal market. Third, core-complementary linking capacity will increase the absorption speed and support the rapid achievement of key core technology breakthroughs of chip design companies. The study explores the theoretical connotation of absorptive capacity, complementary assets linking capacity, and rapid breakthroughs of key core technology. We provide theoretical and practical enlightenment for the rapid realization of key core technology breakthroughs of chip design enterprises.

摘要: 快速实现关键核心技术突破对我国破解“卡脖子”问题、实现科技自立自强和企业提升自主创新能力具有重要意义。现有文献大多关注关键核心技术突破内涵与意义、影响因素、过程、机制、模式和路径等,但对于后发企业如何在较短时间实现关键核心技术突破讨论尚不足。本文采用单案例研究方法,以海思半导体为研究对象,深入探讨后发企业快速实现关键核心技术突破过程机理。研究发现:第一,引入吸收速度概念,后发企业关键核心技术突破呈现从提升个体、组织到组织间对外部知识吸收速度动态演进过程;第二,定义互补资产链接能力概念,通过区分互补资产内链接能力、互补资产间链接能力、核心-互补链接能力分别在吸收速度动态演进过程中加速作用,揭示核心—互补链接能力有助于技术研发与内部市场耦合作用,进而加速技术积累、迭代和升级;第三,互补资产链接能力提升知识吸收速度,支撑芯片设计企业快速实现关键核心技术突破。研究成果丰富吸收能力、互补资产和快速实现关键核心技术突破理论内涵,研究结论为芯片设计后发企业快速实现关键核心技术突破提供理论依据和实践启示。