›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 1281-1286.

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Scientific Revolution: a Popular Humanistic Myth

ZHAO Ke   

  • Received:2012-01-18 Revised:2012-04-23 Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-18
  • Contact: ZHAO Ke



  1. 上海社会科学院
  • 通讯作者: 赵克

Abstract: The influence, scientific revolution view based mainly on traditional physics field in the historical interpretation humanities, is beyond the intelligentsia, thinkers to every field throughout society. it is popularly important root, the showy view of science, that absence of criticism and reflection spirit lead to. "Revolution" view does nether unmatched the macroscopic clue of scientific development, nor accurately indicate the breakthrough progress of across ages. why do we let our primary and middle school students have been living in the old days before and during the revolution and continue to endure Archimedes static, Newtonian mechanics, while we enjoy the excitement of success all alone, if the scientific revolution really exist or success? the case analysis by three almost familiar, indicates that the so-called "scientific revolution" is just a popular humanistic mythology. Scientific progress are pioneering new unknown fields and continuously expanding of the scope known world. The progressive pattern is more close to reality of the history of science compared to the popular scientific revolution view.

摘要: 科学革命观主要出现在对传统物理学进行历史解读的人文领域,然而其影响已超出知识界、思想界几乎遍及社会各个领域。“革命”观不仅不适用于准确地表述科学的化时代进步,更不符合科学发展的宏观脉络。如果科学革命果真存在或成功拉,那么为何我们要独自享受成功后的兴奋与激动而让我们的中小学生一直生活在革命前的旧社会,继续忍受着阿基米德的静力学、牛顿力学的煎熬呢?通过对三个几近耳熟能详的案例分析表明:科学进步是不断开辟未知领域从而使已知世界的范围不断扩展的级进模式远比流行的不断革命模式更为接近科学史的真实;所谓的“科学革命”只不过是一种流行的人文神话。

关键词: 突破 , 科学 , 革命 , breakthroughs, science, revolution

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