›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 1593-1600.

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Experimental Study of Project Innovative Behavior Based on Emotion Regulation


  • Received:2012-03-14 Revised:2012-08-18 Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-26



  1. 温州大学
  • 通讯作者: 张敏
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Urgency is the common problem in project management. Through situational experiment , the major interactions of perceived time pressure, emotion and innovation process among project executors were simulated. Experimental results show that in the implementation of Project Management, time limit increases time stress and negative emotions, which will adversely affect innovation behavior. The project executors with positive emotions would tend to choose to avoid risky innovation behavior in the face of higher perceived time pressures. Positive emotions play a positive role in the relationship between perceived time pressure and innovation behavior, otherwise, external negative emotions could easily have a negative impact on the employees ’ positive emotional perception. Project manager should integrate the innovative features of critical tasks to determine the buffer set-up schemes, stress management and positive mood induction should also be emphasized. Only the innovative atmosphere was built, the employees could actively encourage joining the innovation activities.

摘要: 任务紧迫性是项目管理中面临的常见问题,通过情景实验,模拟了时间限制下项目执行者的感知时间压力、情绪与创新行为交互作用的主要过程。实验结果说明,在项目实施过程中时间限制会加大项目执行者的感知时间压力并产生消极情绪,进而对创新行为带来不利影响;积极情绪的个体在面对较高的感知时间压力时趋向于选择规避风险较大的创新行为;积极的情绪感知在调节感知时间压力和创新行为之间起到正向调节作用,而外界的消极情绪极易对员工积极情绪感知带来负面影响。项目管理者应该结合任务的创新特征综合确定缓冲设置方案,重视压力管理和积极情绪的诱导,通过创新氛围的构建引导员工积极投身创新活动。

关键词: 时间压力, 情绪, 创新行为, 关键链, 情景实验, time pressure, emotion, innovation behavior, critical chain, situational experiment

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