›› 2013, Vol. ›› Issue (2): 217-222.

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Revelation and Methodology of Structure Construction and Effective Implementation of UK Science & Technology Planning


  • Received:2012-06-29 Revised:2012-12-24 Online:2013-02-15 Published:2013-02-21



  1. 中国科学院国家科学图书馆
  • 通讯作者: 王海燕

Abstract: As the development of the science and technologies, the UK’s planning administration system has been converting from distributed type to centralized type in recent years. Based on three levels of science and technology strategy planning, national science & technology plan and scientific research institution plan, this article made a synthesis of construction and effective procedure, method of organization & implementation, abstracted its features, and summarized enlightenment for the planning administration in China on respects of planning guiding theory, participating cooperation machinery, planning implementation closed loop, science & technology investment etc.

摘要: 随着世界科学技术的不断发展,英国的科技规划管理体制近年来体现出了从分散型向集中型的转变。该文从科技战略规划、国家科技计划和科研机构计划三个层面上对英国科技规划的制定和有效组织实施流程及方法进行分析研究,提炼其特点,总结其在科技规划指导思想、参与主体协作机制、规划实施闭循环机制、科技投入机制等方面对我国科技规划管理的启示。

关键词: 科技战略规划, 科技计划, 技术预见, 科技投入, 规划评估, Science and technology strategy planning, Science and technology plan, Technology Foresight, investment in science and technology, planning assessment

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