Studies in Science of Science ›› 2013, Vol. ›› Issue (5): 684-0.

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Research on measurement and governance of cross-regional technology transfer network—based on the perspective of symbiosis theory


  • Received:2012-11-15 Revised:2013-02-21 Online:2013-05-15 Published:2013-05-17



  • 通讯作者: 李天放
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: This article is aimed to define the cross-regional technology transfer network based on the symbiosis theory. It explains the characteristics of three symbiosis factors in the cross-regional technology transfer network of China which contains the symbiosis unit, symbiosis environment and symbiosis mode from a static perspective to structure a symbiosis aggregation and compatible degree model. Then the author uses the relevant data to give the substantial evidence of symbiosis energy generating and digestion level in 30 provinces in China from a dynamic perspective, and then classifies, analyzes and evaluates the technology transfer development in different provinces according to the substantial evidence to give the corresponding governance suggestions eventually.

Key words: symbiosis theory, technology transfer, cross-regional, multi-center governance

摘要: 基于共生理论,对跨区域技术转移网络进行概念界定。首先从静态视角对我国跨区域技术转移网络中具备的共生单元、共生环境与共生模式要素特征予以阐释;之后建构共生聚集度与共生兼容度评价模型,运用相关数据从动态视角对我国30个省区技术转移共生能量生成和吸收消化水平作实证测度,并根据结果对不同省区跨区域技术转移发展情况进行分类、分析与评价,最终给出相应治理建议。

关键词: 共生理论, 技术转移, 跨区域, 多中心治理

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