Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. ›› Issue (1): 13-21.

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A new method to identify technology morphology: SAO-based semantic analysis approach


  • Received:2015-05-26 Revised:2015-08-19 Online:2016-01-20 Published:2016-01-20



  1. 1. 北京理工大学管理与经济学院
    2. 北京理工大学
  • 通讯作者: 郭俊芳
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Morphology analysis, a future-oriented analyzing method, has been widely used in new product development and technology opportunity analysis (TOA). However, the definition process of morphological structure relies too much on domain experts and keyword-based method has obvious deficiency, so that the practical application effect is limited. Accordingly, this paper proposed a systematic method to construct technology morphological structure, with introducing SAO semantic analysis method. To verify the feasibility and validity of the method, we conduct an empirical study in the field of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on DWPI database. The method reduces the dependency on experts further and improves the efficiency of defining morphological structure, which is helpful for technology forecasting research and application.

摘要: 形态分析法作为一种面向未来的系统分析方法,已被广泛运用于技术机会识别和技术预测等领域。但现有形态分析方法中,形态结构构建过程对领域专家有较强的依赖。虽有学者尝试引入定量分析方法,但单纯以词频为依据选择特征词,忽略了词间的影响,存在无法展示技术/部件的目的、构成和语义关系等缺陷,限制了技术预测的效果。因此,本文引入主语-谓语-宾语(SAO)语义挖掘方法,提出一种新型的技术形态识别方法,并以德温特专利数据为基础,描述了专利技术形态识别的过程,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。该方法弥补了基于关键词方法的不足,增强了定量方法对技术形态识别中的应用,减少了技术形态定义对专家知识的依赖,提高了技术形态识别的效率,有助于为未来技术预测研究与应用提供重要的理论和方法保障。