Studies in Science of Science ›› 2016, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (3): 395-403.

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The Fomation Mechanism of Alliance Portfolios: From the perspective of perspective theory


  • Received:2015-10-13 Revised:2015-11-26 Online:2016-03-15 Published:2016-03-18



  1. 1. 浙江大学
    2. 浙江大学管理学院
    3. 浙江大学公共管理学院
  • 通讯作者: 王笑言
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Alliance portfolio is so significant for firms in the catch-up stage in China. However, existing research on alliance portfolio follows the paradigm of structuralism of social network and pays more attention to the relationship of network structure and performance, lacking analysis of the formation mechanism of alliance portfolio. From the new paradigm of "post-structuralism", this paper build a model of "performance aspiration——partner selection——network structure" to understand the formation mechanism of alliance portfolio. Based on the 506 firms in Zhejiang Province during a period of ten years, the study finds that the social performance aspiration and historical performance aspiration play important role in the formation of alliance portfolio through shaping the characteristics of structure, relation and partner. The theoretical contribution is that, based on “post-structuralism”, the paper focuses on the network heterogeneity to open the black box of the formation of alliance portfolios. The conclusion of the study is meaningful for the construction of alliance portfolio of firms.

摘要: 联盟组合对处于追赶背景下的中国企业至关重要,然而以往联盟组合研究沿袭社会网络分析的结构主义范式,偏重于对网络结构与绩效后果的考察,缺乏对联盟组合形成机理的剖析。本文从“后结构主义”范式出发,引入解释个体能动行为的前景理论,构建起“绩效预期—伙伴选择—网络特征”的联盟组合微观形成机理模型,并以浙江省506家纺织业企业面板数据为样本开展实证分析。研究发现企业的社会绩效预期和历史绩效预期通过影响伙伴选择行为的关系、结构和伙伴等不同维度特征,进而影响联盟组合的形成。本文理论贡献是基于后结构范式,在考虑网络节点异质性基础上,打开了“联盟组合形成”这一机理黑箱。研究结论对于企业联盟组合构建具有重要理论指导意义。